I Conduct life cycle ceremonies (weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs, as well as funerals). I Lecture on Jewish philosophy and lead pluralist batei midrash. I am involved in Jewish renewal, namely the adaptation of Jewish culture to life in a democratic humanist country.

In the perception of a majority of the Israeli population, both religious and secular, Judaism is fundamentally incompatible with humanism and ethics. However, a major train of thought sees the core and purpose of Judaism as aimed at improving the human society it is engaged in shaping (the prophets, Hillel, R. Akiva, etc.). This tradition must be renewed, refreshed, and adapted to 21st century Israel. In my opinion, just as formerly in times of great crisis Jewish sages were capable of reading the Torah and interpreting it in a way that suited changing times, this should be done today as well. In all modesty, I too am doing my best to help work towards this goal.

My main fields of teaching and research are: ethics, modern interpretation and midrash of the Bible and the Talmud, feminism and Judaism.

I teach at the University of Haifa, Oranim College, Rabin pre-military academy, Ha-Midrasha at Oranim, Alma and Bina.

My PhD thesis is on the Talmudic readings of Emmanuel Lévinas, a philosopher who dealt mainly with the relationship between people, responsibility, and generosity. His interpretations are based on the premise that the Torah and the Talmud are aimed at forming a civilized society in which people would treat each other fairly. I translated his book "Beyond the Verse", published by Schocken, into Hebrew.

I lead life cycle ceremonies for the Havaya organization, Jewish ceremonies adapted to the values of those who request these services.

I was a ballet dancer and teacher and I am currently still involved in dance improvisation activities. I am convinced that there is a deep connection between learning and art, cognition and emotion, body and soul.

My book Reading Between the Lines, Form and Content in Levinas' Talmudic Readings